Archive for 2013
The Rebel Shadow Master 反逆の影使い
By : Michele
Here's Today's order *(*´∀`*)☆ ENJOY~!!
Short summary: There are men and women that have the ability to control their shadows, molding them into shapes according to their will. These "Shadow Users" gain this special ability through some traumatic event from their past, creating darkness and sorrow in their soul. Cole is a Shadow User, but his shadow, named Shiva, was once human. Now, he is on a search to find the individual responsible for turning Shiva into a shadow and return Shiva to his body.
Genre: Action, Adventure, Comedy, Drama, Shounen, Supernatural
Associated Names: 反逆の影使い Hangyaku no Kage Tsukai The Rebel Shadow Master
Status: 2 Volumes (Completed)
Manga BARU Terbaik di Minggu ini 04-10-2013
By : MicheleKonnichiwa mina-san!
Coba tebak? hari ini .. Ada MANGA BARU!
mari kita periksa cover nya..
Nama Alternatif: 神 狼 クロニクル
Genre (s): Drama, Shoujo, Supernatural, Tragedi
Author (s): Mutsuki Lay
Ketika bulan purnama naik, darah binatang yang tidur terbangun. Siapa di antara mereka yang di akan di pilih?
Coba tebak? hari ini .. Ada MANGA BARU!
mari kita periksa cover nya..
Nama Alternatif: 神 狼 クロニクル
Genre (s): Drama, Shoujo, Supernatural, Tragedi
Author (s): Mutsuki Lay
Ketika bulan purnama naik, darah binatang yang tidur terbangun. Siapa di antara mereka yang di akan di pilih?
Best New Manga of the Week 10-14-13
By : MicheleKonnichiwa mina-san !!
Guess what? today.. There's a NEW MANGA!!
let's check out the cover..
Guess what? today.. There's a NEW MANGA!!
let's check out the cover..
- 神狼クロニクル
- Drama, Shoujo, Supernatural, Tragedy
- Mutsuki Lay
When the full moon rises, the sleeping beast's blood awakens. Which of fated twins will the Wolf God choose?
*basic spoiler*
So basically, the story is about a (good-looking) twin, who is 16 years old, and they're going to be 17 years old soon, i'm guessing that their dad is a wolf and their dad is going to make one of them as a vessel (?). Yep, that's pretty much it. READ MORE to found out about the rest. (sorry it's only two chapter, i only gain that much information, besides it's only a basic spoiler only."
no, i believe, it is not, but they do have a brother complex (kind of) since the younger brother is kinda childish, while the older brother seems to be much mature, but since it's a shoujo, the author just wanted to make the reader girls feels "thrilled", i guess xD. But for those of you who hates that kind of stuff, it's okay to read the chapter 1, and see if you like it or not.
About This blog & Frequently asked questions
By : Michele
This Blog is about Manga/Manhwa,Anime, as well as vocaloids songs. The posts that we posts, contains facts & personal opinions. We translate our blogs into two languages, which is, English & Indonesian.
"What do you mean by we could order anything?"
Our blog is a Cafe :) BUT we won't give you anything like foods, haha, no. But we do have some giveaways. Anyways, the answer to that question is, that what we meant by order, is not a food order but a manga/manhwa/anime/vocaloid songs, so in other word, if you're looking for a manga/anime or even manhwa, just ask us and we'll try our best to look it up for you, and if you want a manga/manhwa/anime/vocaloid songs recommendation, we would gladly help you with that.
Manhwa terbaik di Tahun 2013
By : MicheleManhwa ini, yang ditulis oleh Yunhyunseok di publikasikan pada tahun ini, tetapi saya baru tahu manhwa ini baru-baru di bulan ini. Saya akan bilang, ini adalah manhwa yang benar-benar bagus, art nya, dan cerita nya memang benar-benar menarik, manhwa ini mungkin berbeda dari seluruh manhwa yang Anda telah baca. Itu pendapat saya tetapi saya tidak tahu apakah kalian akan menyukainya. baik .. Mari kita beralih ke cerita utama yang sebenarnya.
"Cerita ini dilihat oleh Dongtae karakter utama kita, yang mendapat keberuntungan terburuk daripada kebanyakan orang. Dia di bully/ganggu oleh orang-orang di sekolah, karena dia di paling bawah dalam segala sesuatu termasuk tampilan, nilai, dan bahkan Hidup, Tapi Dongtae mendapat gadis yang ia sukai, ia adalah salah satu gadis yang paling populer dan tercantik di sekolahnya, tidak hanya itu, dia juga baik .. Tapi dia level nya jauh sekali, tapi, bagaimana jika semua itu tiba-tiba berubah? bagaimana jika keajaiban tiba-tiba terjadi ? apa yang akan dia lakukan jika dia bisa mengubah hidupnya hanya dengan bermain game?
OFFICIAL webtoon
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Best Manhwa of the Year 2013
By : Michele
This manhwa, written by Yunhyunseok has been around for a while, but i just found out about it recently this month. I would say this is a REALLY good manhwa, the art is quiet well drawn, the story is really interesting, it's different than any manhwa you've been reading so far. That's my opinion though, but i don't know if you'll like it, well.. Let's just move onto the real main story.
"The story is viewed by our main character Dongtae, who got the WORST luck than most people do. He is bullied by the people at school, since he's in a rock bottom in everything including look, grade, and even Life, But Dongtae got a crushed on one of the most popular and prettiest girl at his school, not only that, she's also kind to him.. But she's on a different level than him, BUT, what if all that suddenly change? what if a miracle suddenly happen? what will he do if he could change his life just by playing a game?
Original Webtoon
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Kagerou Days Manga (Informasi - INDO)
By : Michele Pesanan Hari ini *(*´∀`*)☆ ~ Selamat Menikmati~!!
Apa kalian pernah baca, atau dengar tentang Kagerou Days? Itu adalah Manga Series yang di tulis oleh Shizen no Teki-P dan di ilustrasikan oleh Satou Mahiro. Cerita dari Manga ini berdasarkan dari lagu baru Shizen no Teki-P ini, yang di ketahui dalam nama Jin, nah bagi anda semua yang pengemar vocaloid, pasti tau dong? ^ー^☆) mau tau lebih dalam? yuk, kita baca tentang short story nya!!
Nah bagi orang yang suka Vocaloid, Harus mendengarkan lagu-lagu terkait cerita ini, karena mereka membantu memahami cerita lebih dalam, mungkin ada beberapa spoiler, tapi itu sangat membantu banyak, karena beberapa orang yang belum pernah denger ceritanya, cenderung kebingungan dan langsung bosen dengan ceritanya, tetapi kebanyakan orang yang dengerlin lagunya, benar-benar tau apa yang mereka emang baca.
Daftar Lagu:
01. Jinzou Enemy
02. Mekakushi Code
03. Kagerou Days
04. Headphone Actor
05. Imagination Forest
06. Konoha no Sekai no Jijou
07. Kisaragi Attention
08. Children Record
09. Yobanashi Deceive
10. Lost Time Memory
11. Ayano no Koufuku Riron
12. Otsukimi Recital
13. Yuukei Yesterday
14. Outer Science
15. Summertime Record
"Cerita ini di lihat dari segi pandang main character kita yang bernama Shintaro Kisaragi, dia termaksud a HikiNeet (HikiNEET adalah kombinasi dari Hikikomori(ひきこもり) dan NEET) yang mengurung diri di dalam kamarnya selama 2 tahun - telah menjalani hidupnya secara normal sampai ia bertemu dengan seorang gadis maya bernama Ene, yang muncul di layar komputer ketika seseorang mengiriminya e-mail satu tahun yang lalu. Suatu hari, Ene mengacaukan dengan PC milik Shintaro. Yang menyebabkan dia harus pergi ke dunia luar untuk pertama kalinya dalam 2 tahun. "
Nah bagi orang yang suka Vocaloid, Harus mendengarkan lagu-lagu terkait cerita ini, karena mereka membantu memahami cerita lebih dalam, mungkin ada beberapa spoiler, tapi itu sangat membantu banyak, karena beberapa orang yang belum pernah denger ceritanya, cenderung kebingungan dan langsung bosen dengan ceritanya, tetapi kebanyakan orang yang dengerlin lagunya, benar-benar tau apa yang mereka emang baca.
Daftar Lagu:
01. Jinzou Enemy
02. Mekakushi Code
03. Kagerou Days
04. Headphone Actor
05. Imagination Forest
06. Konoha no Sekai no Jijou
07. Kisaragi Attention
08. Children Record
09. Yobanashi Deceive
10. Lost Time Memory
11. Ayano no Koufuku Riron
12. Otsukimi Recital
13. Yuukei Yesterday
14. Outer Science
15. Summertime Record
Lagu Exclusive:
Toumei Answer
Ene's Cyber Journey
Gunjou Rain
Shinigami Record
Dead and Seek
Mary no Kakuu Sekai
Shounen Brave
Nah, kalau kalian sudah denger, Comment di bawah dan tulis lagu mana yang kalian paling suka!!!
Sore Ja, mata ne~
Kagerou Days Manga [Information - ENG]
By : Michele
Here's Today's order *(*´∀`*)☆ ENJOY~!!
Have you ever read, or heard about Kagerou Days? It's a manga series written by Shizen no Teki-P and illustrated by Satou Mahiro. It is a story based on the new popular series of song by Shizen no Teki-P, A.K.A Jin.
" The story is viewed by the main character Shintaro Kisaragi--a HikiNEET (
HikiNEET is a combination of Hikikomori(ひきこもり) and NEET)
who shut himself inside his room for 2 years--has been living his life normally until he met a cyber girl named Ene, who appeared on his computer screen when someone sent him an e-mail one year ago. One day, Ene messing up with Shintaro's PC. which cause him have to go to outside world for first time in 2 years. "
Well for those of people who are into Vocaloid, Should listen to the related songs of the story, which is help understanding the story more deeply, there might be some spoilers but it does helped a lot, since some people who doesn't listen to the story, tend to lost along the way, but most people who listen to it, really know what they're reading about.
Here's the List of the song:
01. Jinzou Enemy
02. Mekakushi Code
03. Kagerou Days
04. Headphone Actor
05. Imagination Forest
06. Konoha no Sekai no Jijou
07. Kisaragi Attention
08. Children Record
09. Yobanashi Deceive
10. Lost Time Memory
11. Ayano no Koufuku Riron
12. Otsukimi Recital
13. Yuukei Yesterday
14. Outer Science
15. Summertime Record
Exclusive Songs:
Toumei Answer
Ene's Cyber Journey
Gunjou Rain
Shinigami Record
Dead and Seek
Mary no Kakuu Sekai
Shounen Brave
Tag :
kagerou days,
kagerou project,